Non-Compliance: KWEPA Seals Crown-Herit Pure Water

The Management the Kwara State Environmental Protection Agency (KWEPA) , today, 6th of September, 2021, put a sealing order on a Satchet Water Company in Ilorin, by name Crown-Herit Pure Water as a result of non-compliance with environmental laws.

The Company had hitherto been notified by the Agency on the need to carry out proper fumigation of their surroundings and follow certain orders in ensuring a neat environment but there was no compliance.

As a result of this, the officials of KWEPA sealed off the premises early this morning after several warnings had already been given.

This enforcement is premised on the fact that recently, some badly produced pure water have reportedly led to diarrhea and stomach upset after consumption in some areas of Kwara State, hence, the need for KWEPA to swing into action and ensure that proper hygiene and adequate care is adopted in the production of pure water before it can be brought out for public consumption.

KWEPA Management


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