The Distinguished Senator Sadiq Suleiman Umar (3SU), a Politician with difference.

By Sa’ad Ayuba Danmusa

The most complex Senatorial District in Nigeria is Kwara North owning to the fact that it is made up of multiethnic society where we have Nupe, Fulani, Hausa, Yoruba, Baruba and many others, but remain undeveloped since the creation of the state.

In the history of the Senatorial District, no serious Distinguished Senator has ever done what Senator Sadiq Umar has embarked upon; he touched every Ward in the District with provision of;

-Motorized boreholes,
-Skill Acquisition complex
-Renovation of abandoned hospitals
-Construction of New Cottage Hospitals
-Construction of access roads, bridges and other social amenities across the entire Senatorial District.

In the past, the elected Distinguished Senators hardly visit their Constituencies not to talk of providing the necessary infrastructures needed by the electorates; they either prefer to shuttle from Abuja and the state Capital with their Concubines and family members without considering the plight of the people in their Constituencies.

Sen. Sadiq Suleiman Umar, the Distinguished Senator of Federal Republic of Nigeria from Kwara North Senatorial District (Kaiama, Baruten, Moro, Edu and Pategi) is a Politician with difference who believes in giving what belongs to his people (dividend of democracy); if every Senator in the state could be as trustworthy and considerate like him, the state would have been rated the best state in democratic system in Nigeria.

Particularly, the people of Moro Local Government are grateful for the spread of dividend of democracy across the local government and fostering unity among her people who have find the round peg inside the round hole in the last four years and hope to have him in the Senate for the next years again(4+4).

Surely, whoever that can manage the entire Kwara North Senatorial District effectively can equally and conviniently rule the Kwara state in general.

Congratulations to 3SU in advance as the people in the Senatorial District are ready to give him 95% votes in the coming general elections.


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